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Dry Rated
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Smart Wifi Hiro Control Kit
Safety Rating:
UL Approved, C-US Approved
Sloped Ceiling Adaptable:
Manufactured By:
Hinkley Canada
Other Details
All-in-one receiver supplied with fan where fan reverses at the control
Configures for use as a wall-mount control or handheld remote
Features a manual switch to turn off and on
For more information on how to control your ceiling fan via the Hinkley Home Automation App, click here.
Integrates with other smart home products including voice assistants from Amazon and Google
Secures to a flat wall or a single/multiple gang switch box. Nestles within a standard decorative opening face plate.
Suitable for use in dry (indoor) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United States UL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards Association Product Safety Standards.
Wall/Remote control included
WiFi compatible with included fan control