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Damp Rated
Textured Crystal Drop Crystal And Textured Crystal Drop Crystal
Additional Info:
From the brand formerly known as Generation Lighting Designer Collection
Sloped ceiling compatible with all mounting hardware included plus 60'' of chain for customizable hanging length
Uses (6) 60-watt Torpedo Candelabra light bulbs sold separately
Vintage style single tier fixture with unique glass drops will complement dining rooms, kitchens, living rooms, family rooms, and foyers
Dining Room, Entry Room/Hallway, Living Room
D:26'' W:26'' H:27'' O:90 1/2''
6 Torpedo Candelabra 60 Watt Light Bulbs
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades:
Manufactured By:
Visual Comfort & Co. Studio Collection
Other Details
Sloped ceiling compatible with all mounting hardware included plus 60'' of chain for customizable hanging length
Uses (6) 60-watt Torpedo Candelabra light bulbs sold separately
Vintage style single tier fixture with unique glass drops will complement dining rooms, kitchens, living rooms, family rooms, and foyers