Nickel /vendors/vendorImages nickel.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Damp Rated
Additional Info:
5 A19 Medium 75 watt light bulbs
Damp Rated
Fixture may be mounted in the up or down position
From the brand formerly known as Generation Lighting Designer Collection
Supplied with 8-inches of wire
This fixture features mouth-blown glass and slight variations are an inherent part of the handcrafting process.
Bathroom, Bedroom, Entry Room/Hallway
Backplate Dimensions:
DP:7/8'' W:9 1/2'' H:5'' OB UP:8 1/2'' OB DOWN:1 1/2'' Rectangular
5 A19 Medium 75 watt light bulbs
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades:
Manufactured By:
Visual Comfort & Co. Studio Collection