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Damp Rated
Textured Crystal Drop Crystal And Textured Crystal Drop Crystal
Additional Info:
From the brand formerly known as Generation Lighting Designer Collection
Safety rated for damp locations and includes all hardware for easy wall mounting installation
Uses (2) 60-watt Torpedo Candelabra light bulbs sold separately
Vintage, classic style fixture will complement powder room and bathroom applications as well as bedrooms, foyers, and hallways
Bathroom, Bedroom, Entry Room/Hallway
Backplate Dimensions:
DP:7/8'' W:4 3/4'' H:6 3/4'' OB UP:13'' Oval
W:10 3/4'' H:20'' E:7 1/8''
2 Torpedo Candelabra 60 Watt Light Bulbs
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades:
Manufactured By:
Visual Comfort & Co. Studio Collection
Other Details
Safety rated for damp locations and includes all hardware for easy wall mounting installation
Uses (2) 60-watt Torpedo Candelabra light bulbs sold separately
Vintage, classic style fixture will complement powder room and bathroom applications as well as bedrooms, foyers, and hallways